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Version: 3.0



pub struct InstantiateMsg {
pub credits_address: String,
pub reserve_address: String,
/// MerkleRoot is hex-encoded merkle root.
pub merkle_root: String,
/// A point in time from which it is possible to claim airdrops
pub airdrop_start: u64,
/// A point in time from which a vesting is configured for cNTRNs. At this point, it is still
/// possible for users to claim their airdrops.
pub vesting_start: u64,
/// Total duration of vesting. At `vesting_start.seconds() + vesting_duration_seconds`
/// point of time it is no longer possible to claim airdrops. At the very same point of time,
/// it is possible to withdraw all remaining cNTRNs, exchange them for NTRNs and send to
/// reserve, using `[ExecuteMsg::WithdrawAll]` message
pub vesting_duration_seconds: u64,
pub total_amount: Option<Uint128>,
/// hrp is the bech32 parameter required for building external network address
/// from signature message during claim action. example "cosmos", "terra", "juno"
pub hrp: Option<String>,


pub enum ExecuteMsg {
/// Claim does not check if contract has enough funds, owner must ensure it.
Claim {
amount: Uint128,
/// Proof is hex-encoded merkle proof.
proof: Vec<String>,
/// Permissionless, activated after vesting is over (consult to `[InstantiateMsg]`
/// documentation for more info). Withdraws all remaining cNTRN tokens, burns them,
/// receiving NTRN in exchange, and sends all received NTRN's to reserve.
WithdrawAll {},
Pause {},
Resume {},



// Address of the Credits contract
"credits_address": "neutron...",
// Address of the Reserve contract
"reserve_address": "neutron...",
/// MerkleRoot is hex-encoded merkle root.
"merkle_root": "deadbeef",
/// A point in time from which it is possible to claim airdrops
"airdrop_start": 100,
/// A point in time from which a vesting is configured for cNTRNs. At this point, it is still
/// possible for users to claim their airdrops.
"vesting_start": 100,
/// Total duration of vesting. At `vesting_start.seconds() + vesting_duration_seconds`
/// point of time it is no longer possible to claim airdrops. At the very same point of time,
/// it is possible to withdraw all remaining cNTRNs, exchange them for NTRNs and send to
/// reserve, using `[ExecuteMsg::WithdrawAll]` message
"vesting_duration_seconds": 100,
// Total amount of tokens to be airdropped
"total_amount": "10000",
/// hrp is the bech32 parameter required for building external network address
/// from signature message during claim action. example "cosmos", "terra", "juno"
"hrp": "neutron"



"claim": {
// Amount to claim
"amount": "1000",
/// Proof is hex-encoded merkle proof.
"proof": ["dead", "beef"]

Claims airdropped tokens.


"withdraw_all": {}

Permissionless. Withdraws all remaining cNTRN tokens, burns them, receiving NTRN in exchange, and sends all received NTRN's to reserve.


"pause": {}

Sets the Airdrop contract on pause. Only the owner can call this method.


"unpause": {}

Unpauses the Airdrop contract. Only the owner can call this method.