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Version: 4.0



pub struct InstantiateMsg {
/// Address of the Neutron DAO contract
pub main_dao_address: String,

/// Denom of the main coin
pub denom: String,

/// Distribution rate [0;1] which goes to distribution contract
pub distribution_rate: Decimal,

/// Minimum period between distribution calls
pub min_period: u64,

/// Address of distribution contract
pub distribution_contract: String,

/// Address of treasury contract
pub treasury_contract: String,

/// Address of security DAO contract
pub security_dao_address: String,

/// Vesting release function denominator
pub vesting_denominator: u128,


pub enum ExecuteMsg {
/// Transfer the contract's ownership to another account [permissioned - executable only by Neutron DAO]

/// Distribute pending funds between Bank and Distribution accounts [permissionless]
Distribute {},

/// Update config [permissioned - executable only by Neutron DAO]
UpdateConfig {
distribution_rate: Option<Decimal>,
min_period: Option<u64>,
distribution_contract: Option<String>,
treasury_contract: Option<String>,
security_dao_address: Option<String>,
vesting_denominator: Option<u128>,

/// Pause the contract for `duration` amount of blocks [permissioned - executable only by Neutron DAO or the Security DAO]
Pause { duration: u64 },

/// Unpauses the contract [permissioned - executable only by Neutron DAO]
Unpause {},


Transfer the contract's ownership to another account. Can be executed by main_dao_address only.


Distribute pending funds between Bank and Distribution accounts. Can be executed by any address, but not more than min_period of heights between calls.


Update reserve contract configuration. Permissioned, can be executed only by Neutron DAO.

UpdateConfig {
/// Distribution rate [0; 1] which goes to distribution contract
distribution_rate: Option<Decimal>,

/// Minimum period between distribution calls in amount of blocks
min_period: Option<u64>,

/// Address of distribution contract which will receive funds defined by distribution_rate %
distribution_contract: Option<String>,

/// Address of treasury contract, which will receive funds defined by 100-distribution_rate %
treasury_contract: Option<String>,

/// Address of the security DAO contract
security_dao_address: Option<String>,

/// Denominator used in the vesting release function
vesting_denominator: Option<u128>,


Pause contract for duration amount of blocks. Permissioned can be executed only by Neutron DAO or the Security DAO. If contract is in paused state it disables execute method processing for any message except Pause and Unpause.


Unpause paused contract. Permissioned can be executed only by Neutron DAO.