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Version: 5.1


This page describes how to run Neutron, Gaia, IBC and ICQ relayers locally, without Docker environment. Beware: you will have to clone all these repositories in the same parent directory, just like this:

├── neutron
├── gaia
└── neutron-query-relayer


  • Go version 1.23 or newer
  • Rust toolchain v1.73 or newer

1. Install Neutron

git clone -b main
cd neutron
make install

2. Install Gaia

  1. clone gaia: git clone -b v19.0.0
  2. cd gaia
  3. run make install

3. Install Hermes

cargo install ibc-relayer-cli --bin hermes --version 1.10.1 --locked

4. Install Neutron Query Relayer

git clone -b v0.2.0
cd neutron-query-relayer
make install

Start Localnet

  1. go to neutron/ folder and run make init, this will start Neutron and Gaia chains
  2. after make init completes, run make start-rly, this will start IBC relayer
  3. (if you want to use ICQ) go to neutron-query-relayer/ folder and run export $(grep -v '^#' | xargs) && make dev, this will start ICQ relayer

Some wallets and RPC's you could use

Gaia chain's RPC is exposed at, you can add and use mnemonic with some preallocated funds using

echo "banner spread envelope side kite person disagree path silver will brother under couch edit food venture squirrel civil budget number acquire point work mass" | gaiad keys add test --recover

You can also check your balance using

gaiad query bank balances "$(gaiad keys show test -a)" --node tcp://

Neutron chain's RPC is exposed at, you can add and use mnemonic with some preallocated funds using

echo "veteran try aware erosion drink dance decade comic dawn museum release episode original list ability owner size tuition surface ceiling depth seminar capable only" | neutrond keys add test --recover

You can also check your balance using

neutrond query bank balances "$(neutrond keys show test -a)" --node tcp://