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Version: 5.1



// Account which can update config
"owner": "neutron...",
// Account which can update token addresses and generator
"token_info_manager": "neutron...",
// Credits contract address
"credits_contract": "neutron...",
// Auction contract address
"auction_contract": "neutron...",
// Timestamp when Contract will start accepting LP Token deposits
"init_timestamp": 1234567890,
// Number of seconds during which lockup deposits will be accepted
"lock_window": 10000,
// Withdrawal Window Length :: Post the deposit window
"withdrawal_window": 1000,
// Min. no. of weeks allowed for lockup
"min_lock_duration": 1000,
// Max. no. of weeks allowed for lockup
"max_lock_duration": 1000,
// Max lockup positions a user can have
"max_positions_per_user": 100,
// Describes rewards coefficients for each lockup duration
"lockup_rewards_info": [
"duration": 10000,
"coefficient": "0.5"
"duration": 20000,
"coefficient": "1"



CW20 receive msg.

"receive": {
"sender": "neutron...",
"amount": "123",
"msg": "<base64_encoded_json_string>"


"initialize_pool": {
// pool type: "usdc" or "atom"
"pool_type": "usdc",
// incentives for this concrete pool
"incentives_share": "10000"

Initializes necessary structs and info for a specific LP pool in the Lockdrop contract. Can be called only by the Auction contract. Execute this message by calling the LP token contract address of the corresponding pool.


"increase_lockup_for": {
"user_address": "neutron...",
"pool_type": "usdc",
"amount": "10000",
"duration": 100

Facilitates opening a new user position or adding to an existing position.


"increase_ntrn_incentives": {}

Admin function to increase the NTRN incentives that are to be distributed.


"update_config": {
// Bootstrap Auction contract address
"auction_contract_address": "neutron....",
// Generator (Staking for dual rewards) contract address
"generator_address": "neutron...",

Can only be called by the admin. Facilitates updating configuration parameters.


"set_token_info": {
// Address of LP token of ATOM/NTRN pool
"atom_token": "neutron...",
// Address of LP token of USDC/NTRN pool
"usdc_token": "neutron...",
// Address of generator contract
"generator": "neutron..."

Sets info about ATOM/NTRN, USDC/NTRN LP tokens and a Generator contract.


"withdraw_from_lockup": {
"user_address": "neutron...",
"pool_type": "usdc",
"duration": 111,
"amount": "1000"

Facilitates LP token withdrawals from lockup positions by users. 100% amount can be withdrawn during deposit window, which is then limited to 50% during 1st half of deposit window which then decreases linearly during 2nd half of deposit window. Only 1 withdrawal can be made by a user during the withdrawal windows.


"claim_rewards_and_optionally_unlock": {
"pool_type": "usdc",
"duration": 100,
"withdraw_lp_stake": true

Facilitates rewards claim by users for a particular lockup position along with unlock when possible.


{ "propose_new_owner": {
// Newly proposed contract owner
"owner": "neutron...",
// The date after which this proposal expires
"expires_in": 1111

Admin function. Creates an offer to change the contract ownership. The validity period of the offer is set in the expires_in variable. After expires_in seconds pass, the proposal expires and cannot be accepted anymore.


"drop_ownership_proposal": {}

Admin function. Removes an existing offer to change the contract owner.


"claim_ownership": {}

Admin function. Used to claim contract ownership.



"pool_type": "usdc",
"prev_ntrn_balance": "1000",
"prev_proxy_reward_balances": []

Callback function to update contract state after pending dual staking rewards are claimed from the generator contract.


"withdraw_user_lockup_rewards_callback": {
"pool_type": "usdc",
"user_address": "neutron...",
"duration": 100,
"withdraw_lp_stake": true

Callback function to withdraw user rewards for a particular lockup position along with optional LP tokens withdrawal (upon lockup duration expiration).