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Version: 4.0



pub struct InstantiateMsg {
/// Denom used for rewards distribution. All funds in any other denoms will be ignored.
pub denom: String,
/// The address of the Neutron DAO. It's capable of pausing and unpausing the contract
pub main_dao_address: String,
/// The address of the DAO guardian. The security DAO is capable only of pausing the contract.
pub security_dao_address: String,


pub enum ExecuteMsg {
/// Transfer the contract's ownership to another account [permissioned - executable only by Neutron DAO]
/// Alter shareholder's weights [permissioned - executable only by Neutron DAO]
SetShares {
shares: Vec<(String, Uint128)>,
/// Send money to contract and distribute it between shareholders [permissionless]
Fund {},
/// Claim rewards if caller has any [permissionless, but only shareholders are able to withdraw rewards]
Claim {},
/// pause contract for specified duration [permissioned - executable only by Neutron DAO or Security DAO]
Pause {
duration: u64,
/// Unpause contract if paused [permissioned - executable only by Neutron DAO]
Unpause {},