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Version: 5.1

Integration tests for chain

There is a set of integration tests which cover main Neutron features. If you're developing a smart contract for Neutron or working on a Neutron module, you can add some tests into this set to make sure everything works as expected.

However, if you're working on a smart contract, there's a more elegant way to write tests for it. See the integration tests for smart contracts tutorial for details.


  • git clone
  • git clone -b v3.0.2
  • git clone -b v0.2.0
  • git clone -b v15.0.0
  • cd neutron-integration-tests
  • * make -C setup build-all
  • yarn
  • Make sure you have docker installed and docker daemon running

* Only for the first run, to build hermes ibc relayer and gaiad containers

Running the tests

yarn test # all tests
yarn test:simple # basic tests
yarn test:interchaintx # interchain txs test
yarn test:interchain_tx_query_plain # interchain tx query test
yarn test:interchain_tx_query_resubmit # interchain tx query test #2
yarn test:interchain_kv_query # interchain kv query test

Environment variables you can redefine

APP_DIR - applications directory where Neutron, Gaia and Neutron query relayer are located
NEUTRON_DENOM - neutron network denom
COSMOS_DENOM - gaia (cosmoshub) network denom
IBC_ATOM_DENOM — denom of a native token which is used as a fake IBC transferred ATOM
IBC_USDC_DENOM — denom of a native token which is used as a fake IBC transferred USDC
CONTRACTS_PATH - path to contracts that will be used in tests
NEUTRON_ADDRESS_PREFIX - address prefix for neutron controller network
COSMOS_ADDRESS_PREFIX - address prefix for gaia (cosmoshub) host network
NODE1_URL - url to the first node
NODE1_WS_URL - url to websocket of the first node
NODE2_URL - url to the second node
NODE2_WS_URL - url to websocket of the second node
BLOCKS_COUNT_BEFORE_START - how many blocks we wait before start first test
NO_DOCKER - do not start cosmopark for tests
NO_REBUILD - skip containers rebuilding



Creating your own tests

Creating your contract

To create a new contract you can refer to Neutron Cosmwasm SDK Repo to have an idea how to use Neutron SDK.

Updating artifacts

You'll need to update artifacts in ./contracts folder in case you have created a new contract. Place your contract(s) into ./contracts/artifacts folder. Let's say you have the contract with name my_contract.wasm

Your first test

Create a file named new_one.test.ts in ./src/testcases/parallel with following code:

import { TestStateLocalCosmosTestNet } from './common_localcosmosnet';
import {
} from '../../helpers/cosmos';

describe('Neutron / My test', () => {
let testState: TestStateLocalCosmosTestNet;
let neutronChain: CosmosWrapper;
let neutronAccount: WalletWrapper;
let codeId: string;
let contractAddress: string;

beforeAll(async () => {
testState = new TestStateLocalCosmosTestNet();
await testState.init();

neutronChain = new CosmosWrapper(
neutronAccount = new WalletWrapper(

test('store contract', async () => {
codeId = await neutronAccount.storeWasm('my_contract.wasm');
test('instantiate', async () => {
const res = await neutronAccount.instantiateContract(
contractAddress = res[0]._contract_address;
test('execute contract', async () => {
const res = await neutronAccount.executeContract(
my_method: {
//we assume you have this method in the contract
foo: 'bar',

Warning: Use src/testcases/run_in_band folder for your test if it cannot be run in parallel! This is usually the case if test mutates some global chain state that other tests use directly or indirectly.

Then update package.json in the root folder. Like this

"test:new_one": "jest --runInBand -b src/testcases/parallel/new_one",

Now you can run your test:

yarn test:new_one